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Human Resources

EmploymentHuman ResourcesRecruitment

The ‘M’ Word

I was mortified recently to discover that I am a millennial. I always thought of millennials as kids, but it turns out that millennials (also known as Generation Y) are simply people born between the early 1980s and mid-1990s. That means my little sisters are indeed millennials (and shits), but…
Natasha Foster
August 17, 2018
EmploymentJob BoardsRecruitment

YUDU You, Girlfriend

Once upon a time, jobs were advertised in the newspaper. If you wanted one, you rang the number listed, or submitted an application by post. The hungry among us would sidestep all of that and front up with CV in hand to say hello to the manager personally, shake hands…
Natasha Foster
March 22, 2018