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10 Universal Recruitment Truths

With your usual blogger currently sunning himself in Samoa wearing nothing but his Arsenal budgie-smugglers, the whiteboard marker has once again been thrust in my direction. Not only do I have the responsibility of an 800-or-so word blog by the Friday morning deadline, I’ve also been intrusted with running the…
Jonathan Rice
July 10, 2014

LinkedIn Almost Got Smart

We've heard plenty of commentary recently about how LinkedIn are revolutionising the way companies recruit and their recent conference fueled those flames of perceived disruptive innovation even more. No doubt the Australasian Talent Conference currently happening in Sydney will pour more kerosene on those flames (probably along with declarations that…
Jonathan Rice
May 22, 2014

The LinkedIn Propaganda Machine Hits Auckland

Hey LinkedIn, thanks for the beers and networking opportunities on Wednesday night here in Auckland.  It was really cool that you threw a party to commemorate your attainment of the quite staggering landmark of 1 Million users here is New Zealand (for a country of just 4 million I think…
Jonathan Rice
March 20, 2014

The Growth of “Recruitment Alternatives”

The battle for recruitment agencies these days seems to have become one of relevance.  To be viable, you need to be an expert in your niche, well-networked and knowledgeable about the market.  You need to demonstrate value for money otherwise clients these days have too many options and ways to…
Jonathan Rice
November 14, 2013

“Anonymous” LinkedIn Recruiters Need to Grow a Pair

  We've all heard before what sticks and accusations the general public (especially the ones in search of jobs, funnily enough) like to beat us recruiters with.  There's the lack of communication, the lying, the misleading comments and the inability to listen.  No feedback, poor feedback, negative feedback delivered poorly.…
Jonathan Rice
September 5, 2013
EmploymentJob BoardsRecruitmentSourcing

Is LinkedIn Losing Its Way?

Hey LinkedIn.  What are you up to?  You're the professional social network that is supposed to be the future of recruitment... Are you finding it difficult to juggle being the altruistic nirvana for professional networking and a publicly listed corporation monetising and commercialising left, right and centre to to sate your voracious…
Jonathan Rice
July 25, 2013

The LinkedIn LoveIn

This week's Whiteboard ramblings are brought to you by Sean Walters...   Speaking with an Internal Recruiter friend of mine the other day, he explained with an excitement usually reserved for craft beer, how he has just actually recruited someone via Facebook. Now I know as social-media savvy recruiters, we’re…
Jonathan Rice
July 18, 2013

Tear Up The CVs

When I received yet another CV yesterday saying that the candidate could "work well in a team and also autonomously" I wondered, what is the bloody point of this?  Why do we still insist on receiving a daunting stack of CV's for every job we recruit when they have by and…
Jonathan Rice
April 11, 2013