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Candidate Power Returns With A Bang

Some real life examples of poor manners and behaviour from candidates of ours in recent days: Cancelling interviews one hour prior, via email, because they feel they have "enough options to consider already" Postponing interview via text, never to be heard from again Promising to attend interviews with clients even…
Jonathan Rice
June 4, 2015

Maxims for a Modern Recruiter to “Get On”

Have you ever wondered how we managed to cope in the pre-internet years?  Without being bombarded with constant streams of cleverly curated content, compiled into numbered lists (for ease of consumption, and to get more hits), about how to do this and that better, smarter, cheaper, faster?  How did we…
Jonathan Rice
April 30, 2015

All That Glitters Isn’t Recruitment Gold

Recruiters must evolve. That's the mantra getting chanted with ever increasing volume around the blogs, speaking circuits and self serving espousals of supposed thought leaders of our industry. It's also a mantra I have subscribed to, and championed myself, for a number of years now. But has it got us…
Jonathan Rice
April 16, 2015

Tales of Candidate In-Experience

This week's exposure to recruiter-bashing came at a business networking function I attended earlier this week.  A conversation with a very entrepreneurial-minded lady wound it's way from her upbringing in New Zealand, to her life overseas, and her "work" history littered with strange, bizzare and barely credible business ventures.  In her…
Jonathan Rice
March 12, 2015

Confessions of a Headhunter

I've been accused of many weird and wonderful things in my decade as a recruiter but last week took the biscuit.  Shock, horror and scandal...I was accused of being a headhunter "well-known for poaching staff from other agencies..."  Well blow me down. Some context is probably needed: I was speaking…
Jonathan Rice
February 26, 2015

Skin in the Game: Recruiters and Tattoos

Am I soon to be the last remaining recruiter left without a tattoo?  With conversation in our own office around Sean Walters' upcoming sleeve tattoo opus joined this morning by news that internal recruiting maverick Mark Sumner is getting himself inked soon too, it's starting to feel that way. When…
Jonathan Rice
January 22, 2015

A Breakin’ Merry Christmas from The Whiteboard

Welcome to the final Whiteboard blog for 2014.  This is going to be a brief one because, quite frankly, I don't want to be held responsible for keeping you away from far more important drinking recruiting activities on this most work-shy of Fridays. One piece of work you'll probably want…
Jonathan Rice
December 18, 2014