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Regulating Recruitment and other Blind Alleys

I received one of those phone calls this week, the kind that, being a recruiter of recruiters, I occasionally have to field.  Due to the immediately-obvious highly strung and peeved nature of the caller's voice I made a note of her name the moment she introduced herself, so that I…
Jonathan Rice
November 13, 2014

Recruitment Salaries Stagnate

Once again, the whiteboard marker is in my grubby mitts today. This week, Tyrel Oates, a disgruntled Wells Fargo employee from Portland, Oregon, hit the headlines with an email to his CEO requesting a $10,000 pay rise. An audacious move from someone working in the collections department for one of America’s biggest…
Jonathan Rice
October 16, 2014

Recruiters and Their Social Media Fails

Like many of you recruiters out there, things are pretty busy for me right now.  Which is great.  Hiring intentions are up, stress levels rising accordingly, and there aren't enough hours in the day.  Add to that the couple of events we hosted last week for our vRPO recruiters and…
Jonathan Rice
October 2, 2014

Getting Bitten by the Recruitment Bug

I spend a lot of time interviewing recruiters and ask a pretty wide range of questions depending on the situation. But a pretty consistent one is probably the most obvious:  So what (on earth) got you into recruitment in the first place? The most common answer, as probably happened to…
Jonathan Rice
September 4, 2014

Uber-Aggressive Recruitment Techniques

I've been seeing a bit of stuff about Uber on the news wires this week. Uber are the ride sharing business that has disrupted (a word significantly overused these days, but highly appropriate in their case) the taxi industry across many cities globally. They came to Auckland not long ago,…
Jonathan Rice
August 28, 2014