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Don’t take that tone with me…

Well it's finally happened. After a long yet precarious run, I've finally be shut down by LinkedIn. The reasons for this are long, complicated, and historic. However, to summarise, there seems to be only a certain number of times people can complain about your blog, your profanity, or your burning…
Sean Walters
January 26, 2023

The Secret

I think I've finally cracked it. After a mere 18 years in the recruitment industry, I think I've finally figured out what it takes to create a high-performing agency. Why has it taken me 18 years you may ask? Well, it may have taken me longer than some, but I…
Sean Walters
January 20, 2023

πŸ’― Not Out!

Blog 100 is here! If you are considering bolstering your own personal brand be it blogging/vlogging, here are some tips that I've learned over the hundy.
Scott Burnett
September 23, 2022