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The phone is dead. And so is everything else.

Regular readers, and those who know me in real life, will know I'm somewhat of a "Champagne socialist". Growing up in a working-class family in Thatcher's Britain, this is hardly surprising. However, most of my opinions have been shaped in later life. To explain, I don't believe that many of…
Sean Walters
May 12, 2023

“Why are your margins so high?”

"I've spoken to two other agencies who do exactly the same thing as you, and both are considerably cheaper. Now can you either sharpen the pencil, or explain what magic you do that justifies that kind of margin?". And so goes my Thursday morning. Now I could have firstly explained…
Sean Walters
March 31, 2023

Don’t take that tone with me…

Well it's finally happened. After a long yet precarious run, I've finally be shut down by LinkedIn. The reasons for this are long, complicated, and historic. However, to summarise, there seems to be only a certain number of times people can complain about your blog, your profanity, or your burning…
Sean Walters
January 26, 2023

The Secret

I think I've finally cracked it. After a mere 18 years in the recruitment industry, I think I've finally figured out what it takes to create a high-performing agency. Why has it taken me 18 years you may ask? Well, it may have taken me longer than some, but I…
Sean Walters
January 20, 2023